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Views:  891

Published:  2020-02-06 

Author:  onlinecarbide

Published In:  Hardware & Tools

Drilling holes in your milling workpiece is quite the ordeal. While many people are familiar with the ease of drilling into soft materials like wood, drilling into a metal can be much more challenging. Hard materials resist the cutting edge of the drill bit’s flutes, and a long . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Keep Your Drilling Precise With Stub Drills

Views:  1534

Published:  2019-07-19 

Author:  onlinecarbide

Published In:  Engineering & Technology

Aluminum can be a tricky material to work with due to its “softness” compared to other metals. Using the right End Mill can make the difference between consistently clean cuts and cuts that require dressing and Online Carbide produces the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Online Carbide Manufactures The Best End Mills For Aluminum

Views:  1717

Published:  2019-01-21 

Author:  onlinecarbide

Published In:  Industrial Engineering

Online Carbide known as one of the most-used tools in a machine production process is the Variable End Mill. The irregular helix design helps to cut down on machine chatter which can result in incorrect cuts and dimensions when the tool is used in . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ A Variable End Mill Can Perform Many Tasks