Purchasing a boat is not a trivial thing as it requires a significant amount of investment and a good effort to be maintained properly. Even though boat insurance may always not be a legal necessity but it certainly decreases your headache in many ways. It is needless to say that there can be a number of crises those can be faced while you take your boat out in the waters. Hence, for protecting your boat without having to pay amount that almost reach up to the price of your boat, you definitely need a security and a protection to help you out in needed times. Moreover, boat insurance can be the most helpful mean of paying against some third party liability that is caused by your boat.
Therefore, owning a boat should be proportional to buying boat insurance, since you may not want to pay double the amount you have already invested in your boat just during the time of a crisis. However, there might still be questions in your head regarding the significance of boat insurance. For assisting you in this matter we have developed this article for with some of the most accurate information, we have also incorporated the information related to the best boat insurance that can you can find in the year of 2022.
Importance of buying boat insurance
As it has been stated before buying a boat insurance can help you in sorting out unexpected circumstances real easy and quick. However, for understanding the importance in a proper way we need to dive deeper. We have listed the importance in points for building your understanding better.
- Coverages to protect your boat, coverages are the primary reason to buy best boat insurance and secure protect your boat from all the damages that come to your way. You may face an accident, a collision, natural disasters etc. You will not have to put much of your effort in making those right, as the insurance company will be taking most of the responsibilities, which is certainly beneficial for you.
- Repair and replacements, boats are expensive and the repair and replacement costs that come with it are not anything different. When your boat is insured, the repair and replacement costs are paid by the company. That saves your money, effort as well as your sleep at night.
- Legal requirements, it may not be mandatory everywhere to insure your boat. However, if you do not insure your boat it raises questions about your intensions, as boats can be used in illegal activities. Therefore, it is always safe to have an insurance to save you from these types of questionable situations.

The above points represent the extreme necessities to own the best boat insurance. There are other needs associated with the same and those will be discussed with the progress of this article. For the next section, we have collected information on the very basic aspects associated with boat insurance.
The factors that are covered by boat insurance
Before proceeding with the best boat insurance you need to know the factors that are coved by insurance policies for ensuring that if the policies are suitable for you or not.
- Hull and equipment coverages are one of the primary factors that are covered by the insurance policies. The said coverage is capable of paying for the damages that your boat faces and that include theft and vandalism.
- Boat liability insurance comes in the second position in the scenario of boat protection. These policies take the liability of the harms and injuries cause by your boat. One of the biggest benefits of these policies are that these include the liability of the people that operate your boat, however, they need to have your permission.
- Personal effects coverage pays for the belongings that get damaged due to boat accident. However, there are conditions; the items need to be in a state of being loaded on or off the boat or need to be stocked in dock box.
- Uninsured boater coverage pays for the medical bills that are caused by an uninsured boater.
- Medical payment coverage pays for the medical bills for the third party that you cause bodily injury with your boat.
- Towing and assistance is quite self-explanatory. It pays for the towing needs and other assistance needed for your boat.
- Boat trailer insurance, pays for the damages and theft that occurs in your boat.
- Fuel and other spill liability insurance are capable of paying for the containment and clean up caused due to a spill. If there is any unexpected occurrence and you are sued for a spill then this insurance also pays for the legal settlement charges.
The factors that are covered by boat insurance
There are certain factors that are not covered by the boat insurances, it is important to know these factors before proceeding with the purchase.
- Insurance does not pay for Wear and tear
- Insurance does not pay for Weathering
- Insurance does not pay for Electrical breakdown
- Insurance does not pay for Overheating or galvanic action
- Insurance does not pay for Ice or freezing
- Insurance does not pay for Mold or mildew
- Insurance does not pay for Blistering or delamination
- Insurance does not pay for Rot
- Insurance does not pay for Corrosion
- Insurance does not pay for Marring, scratching or denting
- Insurance does not pay for Incomplete, improper or faulty repair, maintenance or renovation
- Insurance does not pay for Damage from vermin, insects, marine life and other animals
- Insurance does not pay for Structural breakdown and mechanical breakdown
Factors to determine the cost of your policy
Just as car insurance there are a number of factors that determine the cost of your boat insurance. A standard boat insurance cost $200 to $500 annually. The factors to determine the boat prices are mentioned below:
- The type of your boat, such as pontoon or sailboat or fishing boat
- The age of the boat
- The size of the boat
- Region that you are in
- The usage of your boat
- Number of horsepower and engines
- Safety measures associated with your boat
- Your boating experience
- The method and the place of storing your boat
- Your boat insurance claiming history
Top 5 best companies for Boat Insurance
- Attractive coverage options that include a lot of extra benefits
- The average boat insurance premium for each month is $25, which is quite affordable.
- The information regarding the restrictions and exclusions are not very much accessible. Limitation of online availability of information creates issues for the first time buyers.
- Property coverage
- Uninsured watercraft coverage
- Trailer coverage
- Medical payments
- Watercraft liability coverage
- Repair costs
- Agreed value
- Multiple policy discount
- full pay discount
- boat education discount
- home ownership discount
- Easy pay plan discount.
Allstate is capable of offering assistance by both insurance agents and online tools. The FAQ system can help you in providing you with 800 most answered questions anytime you want. With a lot of help available, such as articles and videos, Allstate makes it easy for the new boaters to learn to maintain their boats properly. However, there are some limitations associated with the process as well. The discounts and coverage plans may not always be available to each state and that can impact on the pricing of the insurance plans as well. Hence, it is recommended to contact an Allstate agent before proceeding with the purchase.
- Very low rates, such as $100 a year
- A wide range of coverages that pays of all the boat necessities
- A ton of available discounts
- The only disadvantage associated with this company is that they have incorporated restrictions on the type of boats that you use. Hence, if your boat is there on the restriction list, you will not be able to gain their beneficial coverages.
- Comprehensive coverage
- Collision coverage
- Bodily injury liability
- property damage liability
- Uninsured/underinsured boater
- Medical payments
- Fishing equipment or other carry-on items
- Propulsion Plus mechanical breakdown coverage (this is an add-on, which starts at $38 per year)
- Sign & Glide on-water towing (this is an add-on, which starts at $30 per year)
- Water sports injury coverage
- Roadside assistance and trip interruption
- Fuel spills and wreckage removal
- Full replacement cost
- Advanced Quote Discount
- Multiple Policy Discount
- Association Discounts
- Transfer Discount
- Multi-boat Discount
- Prompt Payment Discount
- Original Owner Discount
- Pay-in-Full Discount
- Responsible Driver Discount
One of the biggest advantages that you gain by purchasing the Progressive insurance is that it does not restrict the area, in which you can use your boat. You can sail your boat in any lake and river in the United States. Moreover, you are permitted to sail in the ocean waters within 75 miles from the coast. The variety of tools and features that are available online are one of the most helpful features to be provided by Progressive. The mobile application of the company is really helpful to the travellers. However, Progressive only offers the best boat insurance plans for the boats up to 50 feet in length. Additionally, if you belong to a state that is prone to hurricanes then the limitations are 35 feet and $175,000 in value. Progressive can prove to be quite expensive based on different situations, so, it is better to make sure you have analysed the prices thoroughly before proceeding with the company.
- Multi-policy discounts for loyal customers, who bundle up at least one other policy of Nationwide with the boat insurance policy.
- Different boat insurance packages for saving money.
- Lack of online quote tool
- Lack of availability of coverages and discounts in all states
- Bodily injury and property damage liability
- Collision coverage
- Comprehensive coverage
- Uninsured/underinsured boater
- Medical payments coverage
- Roadside assistance
- On-water boat towing and assistance
- Fishing equipment insurance
- Personal effects insurance
- Weekenders (package of $1,000 for fishing equipment, $3,000 for personal effects, and $500 for towing)
- Light Tackle Anglers (package of $2,500 for fishing equipment, $5,000 for personal effects, and $2,500 for towing)
- Overnighters (package of $5,000 for fishing equipment, $2,000 for personal effects, and $2,500 for towing)
- Deep Water Pros (package of $10,000 for fishing equipment, $5,000 for personal effects, and $2,500 for towing)
- Multiple Policy and Multiple Boat Discounts
- Diesel Fuel Discount
- Boater Safety Course Discount
- Paid-in-full Discount
- Claims-Free Renewal Discount
The digital experience that the company provides through its mobile application is something that enhances the users’ experiences. You can easily manage your polices via the company’s customer portal. There are very trivial limitations that are associated with the company. However, it is still recommended to contact a Nationwide agent for detailed information on the best boat insurance coverages.

- Wide variety of packages and flexible coverages
- Attractive discounts
- Limitations and restrictions upon coverage availability.
- Watercraft physical damage
- Personal liability
- Uninsured watercraft
- Medical payments
- Towing and Roadside assistance
- Trailer
- Personal property
Additional packages
- Saver Package
- Elite Package
- Classic and Classic Elite Packages
- Personal Watercraft Insurance
- Lay-Up Discount
- Paid-in-Full Discount
- Boating Safety Course Discount
- Protective Device Discount
- Multiple Policy Discount
- Multiple Unit Discount
- Loss Free Renewal Discount
- Insured Age Discount
- Affinity and Alliance Discount
The wide range of discounts and coverages make it easy of you to choose the one that is absolutely suitable for you. However, the coverages and discounts can vary from state to state.
- Best for fishing, expansive insurance regarding fishing equipment
- Up to 35% of discounts available that includes diminishing deductible
- No bundle options available with homeowners insurance or car insurance.
- Watercraft liability
- Medical payments
- Personal effects
- Emergency towing
- Uninsured/underinsured boater
- Pollution liability
- Replacement cost settlement
- Boat lift and Trailer
- Agreed value watercraft and equipment
- Fishing equipment
- Tournament fee reimbursement
- Crash damage
- Theft
- Theft away from home
- Wreck removal
- Professional angler liability
- Multiple boats
- Outboard propulsion
- Age of the boat
- Diesel engines
- Experienced boaters (requires five or more years if experience)
- Being accident-free (you are provided with a 25% of discounts if your boat runs accident free. The company deducts 25% from your annual premium each year.)
With the wide range of coverages Markel is the best option for the fishermen. However, there are a number of limitations regarding the online availability of the company. The lack of an online application can be an issue at times.
The discussion of the companies and their policies proves that Allstate is the best option judging from every angle. However, Markel stands the best on the ground if you are fisherman. We still recommend you to contact the agents and gain detailed information before proceeding with any purchase.
Resource list:-
For knowing more about boat insurance, you can visit the below provided links
Best Boat Insurance
Best Boat Insurance Of 2022